
High Temperature Superconductor Bulk Materials: Fundamentals, Processing, Properties Control, Application Aspects

ISBN: 978-3-527-40383-7

March 2006

311 pages

With its comprehensive review of the current knowledge and the future requirements in the field, this book presents all the features of bulk high temperature superconducting materials. Starting from physical and chemical fundamentals, the authors move on to portray methods and problems of materials processing, thoroughly working out the characteristic properties of bulk superconductors in contrasts to long conductors and films. They provide a wide range of specific materials characteristics with respect to the latest developments and future applications guiding from fundamentals to practical engineering examples.

The authors are all leading international specialists involved in the field of high Tc superconductor bulk materials since the beginning. Of utmost interest to engineers, scientists, and PhD students working in this field.

About the Author
Professor Krabbes leads the Bulk Materials Development Group in the Institute of Solid State Research (IFF) as a part of IFW Dresden. He has authored more than 150 technical publications and 20 patents and was awarded the J H van t'Hoff Medal in Physical Chemistry in 1984 and the PASREG Award of Excellence in 1999. His colleague Guenter Fuchs received the PASREG Award for his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of bulk cuprate superconductors in high magnetic fields in 2003. Wolf-Ruediger Canders heads the Institute for Electrical Machines, Traction and Drives (IMAB) at the University of Braunschweig. Both Hardo May and Ryszard Palka are leading scientists at the IMAB.