
Health Physics: Radiation-Generating Devices, Characteristics, and Hazards

ISBN: 978-3-527-41183-2

July 2016

800 pages

About the Author

Joseph John Bevelacqua, PhD, CHP, RRPT, is the President of Bevelacqua Resources, Richland, Washington, USA, a provider of radiation protection consulting services including study materials for the American Board of Health Physics Certfi cation Examination. A theoretical nuclear physicist by training, Dr. Bevelacqua is a Certified Health Physicist, Registered Radiation Protection Technologist, and Certified Senior Reactor Operator and has over 45 years of professional experience. This experience includes the medical, fuel cycle, accelerator, power reactor, environmental, and non-ionizing areas.

He was a key player in the Three Mile Island and Hanford cleanup activities, and is an active researcher with over 100 publications. His research areas include cancer therapy using heavy ions and microspheres, theoretical nuclear and high-energy physics, mathematical physics, and applied health physics. He recently received California University’s Professional Excellence Award for his accomplishments.