
Hazardous Chemicals: Control and Regulation in the European Market

ISBN: 978-3-527-60986-4

February 2007

409 pages

This practice-oriented guide covers the handling and use of hazardous chemicals at the workplace, including labelling and storage, transportation, occupational safety and proper registration with the European authorities. Current European Union legislation and directives are cited throughout the text, making this a valuable reference for companies and institutions both inside and outside of the EU common market.
About the Author
Herbert F. Bender is head of the department of hazardous materials at BASF AG in Ludwigshafen (Germany), the world's largest chemical company. He has authored numerous books and other publications on hazardous substance control, and regularly teaches courses for professionals and students on the topic. He is also a government advisor for the German federal ministry of economics and member of various trans-national committees and E.U. working groups concerned with hazardous substance regulation.

Philipp Eisenbarth is a senior safety expert responsible for hazardous chemicals safety management, exposure assessment, personal protection equipment, also working for BASF. He is also a government advisor for the German ministry of economy on legislation regarding occupational safety of chemicals, and an expert on the corresponding European legislation.