Gravity-Driven Water Flow in Networks: Theory and Design
ISBN: 978-0-470-28940-2
December 2010
568 pages
The principal role gravity-driven water networks perform is a basic and vital one: deliver water from a higher elevation to a lower one using the force of gravity. It’s a simple idea that is generally not so simple to execute.
Gravity-Driven Water Flow in Networks give engineers, designers, and technologists working in, or for developing countries and rural areas the technologies upper hand in analysis and design of gravity-fed water networks by bridging the gap between classical fluid mechanics and the applied, technology-based material found in other literature on these systems. In addition to placing the analysis of gravity-driven water networks on a sound fundamental footing, this insightful guide presents original design graphs and formulas, as well as computational algorithms, for the fundamental problem of analysis and design for single- and multiple-pipe gravity-driven water systems. Some of the valuable information found in this book includes:
By addressing the problems and solutions of creating a sound gravity-driven water pipe network, and how to maintain its functionality under a variety of environmental and geological pressures, Graven-Driven Water Flow in Networks tackles all the major issues currently driving innovation in the extremely challenging task of delivering an adequate water supply to the areas where it’s needed most.