
Geochemical Sediments and Landscapes

ISBN: 978-1-405-12519-2

November 2007


488 pages

This state-of-the-art volume reviews both past work and current research, with contributions from internationally recognized experts. The book is organized into fourteen chapters and designed to embrace the full range of terrestrial geochemical sediments.

  • An up-to-date and comprehensive survey of research in the field of geochemical sediments and landscapes
  • Discusses the main duricrusts, including calcrete, laterite and silcrete
  • Considers deposits precipitated in various springs, lakes, caves and near-coastal environments
  • Considers the range of techniques used in the analysis of geochemical sediments, representing a significant advance on previous texts
About the Author
David J. Nash is Reader in Physical Geography at the University of Brighton. He is widely known for his publications on the links between silcretes, calcretes and landscape evolution in southern Africa, southwest Europe and the UK, as well as his broader research into the geomorphology of dryland regions and Quaternary to recent environmental changes in deserts.

Sue J. McLaren is Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at the University of Leicester. Her research expertise is in terrestrial geochemical sediments (particularly aeolianites and calcretes), reconstructing palaeoenvironments in drylands, and geoarchaeology. Sue has worked extensively in northern and southern Africa, the Middle East, Mexico and the Caribbean, as well as in the Mediterranean and Borneo.


  • An up-to-date and comprehensive survey of research in the field of geochemical sediments and landscapes
  • Discusses the main duricrusts, including calcrete, laterite and silcrete
  • Considers deposits precipitated in various springs, lakes, caves and near-coastal environments
  • Considers the range of techniques used in the analysis of geochemical sediments, representing a significant advance on previous texts