
General and Molecular Pharmacology: Principles of Drug Action

ISBN: 978-1-118-76868-6

July 2015

784 pages

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Defined by ASPET as the study of the effects of chemical agents of therapeutic value or with the potential toxicity on biological systems, pharmacology is critical to understanding how drugs can correct the biochemical abnormalities responsible for human illness. It is one of the core disciplines students need to master in order to develop effective drugs and therapeutics.

This book, the updated and enhanced English translation of a successful and multi-edition Italian text, covers basic and general pharmacology, from a cellular and molecular perspective, with particular attention mechanisms of drug action – the fundamental basis for proper clinical use - without neglecting drug interactions, general physiological functions, and the toxicological effects of chemical compounds . As opposed to classical pharmacology textbooks, which spend more time detailing medical and therapeutic effects, the authors offer thorough discussion of drug action mechanisms at cell and molecular level and the rules governing drug pharmacokinetics and development.

The target-oriented approach within the text changes the common perception of drugs as chemical entities affecting organisms and highlights the interdisciplinary and dynamic nature of pharmacological research. As such, the book introduces pharmacologists to a more integrated view of their discipline and fosters a holistic approach to the analysis and treatment of diseases – one in which drugs are regarded as critical tools to discover new cell functions, mechanisms, and therapies.

Complementary to the main text, the book has a companion website that builds on the content within the book itself by addressing more specific subjects and methodologies. The site is ideal for readers who have mastered the basic principles and are seeking more in-depth knowledge of detailed topics.

More than just a course text for pharmacology students, this book can also be a key reference and resource for researchers and professionals involved in any aspect of drug development

About the Author

Francesco Clementi is a Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology at the University of Milan. He has been President of several national and international societies and is member of the Accademia dei Lincei, the prestigious Academy of Italian Sciences. He authored over 200 publications dealing with neurotransmitter receptors and co-edited several books on neuropharmacology and cell biology including all four editions of the Italian language version of this book, Farmacologia Generale e Molecolare.

Guido Fumagalli has been the Dean of Faculty Director of the PhD School of Translational Medicine, Vice-Provost for Research, and Vice-Provost for International Affairs at the University of Verona. He has over 80 publications in international journals to his credit along with numerous books on pharmacology and sports science