
Functionalized Inorganic Fluorides: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Nanostructured Solids

ISBN: 978-0-470-74050-7

June 2010

614 pages

Inorganic fluorides and fluoride-based materials play an important role in many different applications, from silicon etching in microelectronics, isotopic enrichment of uranium in nuclear energy, to the technical revolution of fluoropolymers and fluoride coatings.

Numerous advances have been made recently through the elaboration and functionalization of inorganic fluorinated solids at the nanometre scale. Functionalized Inorganic Fluorides: Synthesis, Characterization & Properties of Nanostructured Solids covers several classes of nanostructured and functionalized inorganic fluorides, oxide-fluorides, and fluorinated oxides such as silica and alumina. Ranging from powders or glass-ceramics to thin layers and coatings, they have applications as more efficient and less aggressive catalysts, UV absorbers, planar optical waveguides, integrated lasers and optical amplifiers, luminescent materials, anti-reflective coatings and high Tc superconductors.

With a focus on new types of solids, such as nanopowders, hybrids, mesoporous fluorides, and intercalation compounds, the book covers new synthesis routes; physical-chemical characterizations - including morphology, structure, spectroscopic and optical behaviour; detailed ab initio investigations and simulations; and -last but not least- potential applications.

About the Author
Alain Tressaud is Research Director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Head of the Functionalized Materials Group at the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (ICMCB-CNRS), University Bordeaux1.
He has published over 300 papers in international journals, edited / contributed to 12 books, and edited several journal special issues. Alain has also chaired/ organised many international meetings on fluorine, and is Chairman of the French Fluorine Network, CNRS.