
Ferroelectric Dielectrics Integrated on Silicon

ISBN: 978-1-848-21313-5

October 2011


448 pages

This book describes up-to-date technology applied to high-K materials for More Than Moore applications, i.e. microsystems applied to microelectronics core technologies.
After detailing the basic thermodynamic theory applied to high-K dielectrics thin films including extrinsic effects, this book emphasizes the specificity of thin films. Deposition and patterning technologies are then presented. A whole chapter is dedicated to the major role played in the field by X-Ray Diffraction characterization, and other characterization techniques are also described such as Radio frequency characterization. An in-depth study of the influence of leakage currents is performed together with reliability discussion. Three applicative chapters cover integrated capacitors, variables capacitors and ferroelectric memories. The final chapter deals with a reasonably new research field, multiferroic thin films.
About the Author

Emmanuel Defaÿ has been involved at CEA LETI Minatec in piezoelectric and High-K dielectrics for 15 years. He has published 70 scientific papers, one book on piezoelectrics and worked with several top level microelectronics manufacturers (IBM, Freescale, ST). He is currently a lecturer at Ecole Centrale Paris and By-Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge University, UK.