
Excel 2010 - No Problem!

ISBN: 978-0-470-71022-7

April 2010

336 pages

Excel 2010—No Problem! gets you up and running on Excel 2010 in no time.

Excel 2010—No Problem! is an easy-to-use guide that will help you through Excel 2010, updating you on all the new features such as the quick format mini toolbar, the slicer feature, and the Excel web app, plus much more.  Technical expert Deanna Reynolds clearly explains all the new features in easy-to-understand language helping you get up to speed on the latest version.

No Problem! books use teaching methods that take advantage of our own natural learning approach, and help you remember what you learn. The multiple learning paths in No Problem! mean you get to choose the way in which you learn. You simply select the features that work for you, or use all of them, No Problem!

  • Already have experience with previous versions of Excel? No Problem! We designed this book so you can easily build upon your existing knowledge, quickly.
  • In a rush? No Problem! For a quick path, you can choose to read only the highlighted text for just what you need to know.
  • Prefer to take notes while you learn? No Problem! We’ve already sprinkled loads of notes and quick tips throughout the book, and left you plenty of room to take your own.
  • Like to learn by doing? No Problem! The Play with it and Experiment features give you the hands-on guidance you need.
  • Need a detailed step-by-step guide? No Problem! Combine all the learning paths for a comprehensive Excel 2010 workshop.

Learn, play, and experiment—this book will help you realise that Excel 2010 is—No Problem!