
Engineering Money: Financial Fundamentals for Engineers

ISBN: 978-1-118-06308-8

February 2011

196 pages

Get the must-have knowledge every engineer needs regarding finance in this much-needed guide

When starting out on their careers, most engineers are unaware that successful engineering projects depend as much on money as they do on technology and that the two are inextricably linked. They eventually learn on the job that money is the only common measure we have for labor, materials and energy and it is therefore essential to managing any project. Traditional engineering education generally ignores financial matters. This book fills the gap by by preparing young engineers on the role finance plays in their projects before they embark on their careers. Engineering Money:

  • Fills the gap in most engineers’ training and gives young engineers an insight into the way engineering businesses run, the importance of capital, how to raise it, and the problems of cash flow

  • Explains the role of money in managing an engineering project and why an engineer is "a guy who can do for half a dollar what any fool can do for a dollar"

  • Is written in an approachable and entertaining style and includes real-world topics that engineers will face in their profession no matter which part of the world they’re working in

Uniting the basic concepts of engineering design, project evaluation techniques, and accounting methods, Engineering Money delivers an approachable view of finance that gives engineers at all levels the resourcefulness to account for every dollar—and make every cent count.

About the Author
RICHARD HILL worked for twenty years in design and proposals in the contracting industry and served as marketing director for a specialist process plant contractor. He now runs his own independent consultancy and lectures at Cranfield University, University College London, and UNESCO-IHE in Delft, Holland.

GEORGE SOLT spent thirty years in industrial research and development serving as technical director in two-specialist process plant contracting companies before becoming a full-time academic at Cranfield University and University College London.