
Developmental Neurobiology

Edited By:Song-Hai Shi and Bin Chen

Vol 78(12 Issues in 2018 )

Print ISSN: 1932-8451

Online ISSN: 1932-846X


Welcome Prof. James Fawcett!

While Developmental Neurobiology is well-known for covering more traditional areas of developmental neurobiology, the journal seeks to publish across the complete spectrum of subdisciplines looking at dynamic changes in the nervous system that occur over the lifespan. Regeneration and plasticity, along with development, aging and degeneration, are critical aspects of these dynamic changes.

Undoubtedly, the addition of Prof. Fawcett to the team will enhance the journal’s profile in these areas of research, and readers and authors alike should watch out for forthcoming Special Issues and regular content on hot topics within the field.

Biography: James Fawcett qualified in Medicine in Oxford and London. After a period in clinical practice, he studied for a PhD under Michael Gaze at National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill (UK). Five years at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies (USA) followed, after which he moved to Cambridge University, first in Physiology then as Chairman of the Brain Repair Centre. Prof. Fawcett’s main interest is the restoration of CNS function lost through spinal cord injury, neurodegenerative disease and ageing. He has focused on activation of axon regeneration and plasticity through manipulation of the extracellular matrix and integrins.