
Demobilizing Irregular Forces

ISBN: 978-0-745-64886-6

June 2012


208 pages

From Afghanistan and Sierra Leone to East Timor, the aftermath of any armed conflict presents a complex set of challenges. Whatever political agreements may have been reached, conflicts are often at risk of reigniting, and the fates of their former participants remain uncertain. Armed groups may not be easily dissuaded from pursuing belligerent activities which they see as both profitable and understandable behaviour. In the face of these difficulties, the process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) attempts to convince combatants to relinquish their weapons and return to civilian life. It is a crucial first step towards lasting peace.

Demobilizing Militias is the first comprehensive introduction to DDR in the contemporary world. Examining regions as varied as Africa, Asia and Central America, it guides readers through the different stages of the DDR process as well as assessing competing perspectives surrounding its implementation. Attentive to the problems faced by practitioners, Eric Shibuya argues against a 'one size fits all' approach, emphasizing the importance of social and psychological contexts in fostering the trust that is necessary for DDR to succeed. Accessible and incisive, it will be an ideal resource for students of politics, security and conflict studies, as well as anyone interested in the dynamics of peacebuilding today.
About the Author
Eric Y. Shibuya is Associate Professor of Strategic Studies at the Command and Staff College, Marine Corps University, Quantico, Virginia.
  • This is a new edition to Polity's bestselling ‘War and Conflict in the Modern World' series, which aims to give students accessible overviews of some of the key themes and topics in peace and security studies
  • DDR, the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants -is a crucial and topical issue in today's political landscape.
  • The book draws on a wide range of case studies to guide readers through the stages of the DDR process.
  • Will be of relevance to students taking broad courses in peacebuilding or focusing on more specific conflicts such as those in Afghanistan and Iraq