
Dear Celebrity: Absurd Letters to the Stars

ISBN: 978-1-907-29358-0

January 2010


142 pages

To Mr James Herbert, London.

My mother insists that your books are the work of Satan. the other day I tried to smuggle in one of your novels. After incinerating the book, Mother scrubbed my skin with a wire brush to cleanse me of evil.

There is only one way to convince Mother that your books are harmless: she will have to meet you! Please let me know when you could come and see Mother. We really do need to get all of this sorted out...

There is one constant in Julian Henby's life: his obsession with famous people. To him they are the elite of society and if anyone can help him and his family muddle through their chaotic life, they can...

Can Matthew Kelly find Henby's mother a job as a Bearded Lady? Will Joanna Lumley find the time to visit Julian's elderly uncle to talk about her career? And why does Sir Jimmy Savile insist on being the Loch Ness monster? The answers to these and many more questions are to be found here...

Ben Dover

"You'll wet yourself laughing"
I. P. Freely

"Couldn't put it down"
Paige Turner

About the Author
The letters in this book are so absurd the at the author could not bring himself to sign them with his won name. In fact, Henby is a pseudonym of Julian Henley.
In real life, Julian Henley (the man behind Henby) graduated from the University of Brighton with a Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling and is now a highly qualified humanistic counsellor. He has worked with clients from all walks of life but initially specialised in counselling people with drug and alcohol addictions.
Julian has cerebral palsy and is seriously considering getting his wheelchair turbo-charged to outrun any disgruntled celebrities....