
Catalysis for Sustainable Energy Production

ISBN: 978-3-527-32095-0

April 2009

474 pages


With the depletion of the world's natural resources, the field of chemistry is moving towards other methods for the generation of sustainable energy. This book examines the various catalytic approaches to energy generation, covering everything from fuel cells to hydrogen storage and provides in-depth information on the principles behind an approach and the variations of them.

The authority behind this reference book is the IDECAT Networks of Excellence and it is clearly divided into four parts covering fuel cells, hydrogen and methane storage, hydrogen and hydrogen vectors production and industrial catalysis for sustainable energy.

Theoretical and practical chemistry is combined incorporating industrial, governmental and academic points of view.

An invaluable information source for a variety of chemists, engineers and libraries and anyone with an interest in the use of catalysis for energy production.

The world-renowned industrial chemist Professor Gabriele Centi provides the foreword to this lovely edition to any bookshelf.

About the Author
Pierluigi Barbaro obtained his PhD from the University of Florence and completed his Post-Doctoral work at ETH in Zurich, later becoming a permanent Researcher at the Istituto di Chimica dei Composti Organo Metallici in Florence. Since 2005 he has been a member of the Governing Board of the VI° FP Network of Excellence IDECAT "Integrated Design of Catalytic Nanomaterials for a Sustainable Production". His main research interest is in the field of homogeneous, heterogeneous and asymmetric catalysis, in particular nanostructured catalysts for application in sustainable production processes. He is the author of more than 60 research papers and 6 patents. In 1991 he was awarded the National award "Federchimica".

Claudio Bianchini is Director of the Institute of Chemistry of Organometallics of the Italian National Research Council. He is author of ca. 430 publications and 43 patents. His research fields include catalysis, polymerization, electrocatalysts and membranes for fuel cells, hydrogen production and storage, asymmetric synthesis, solid-gas organometallic reactions, (high-pressure) IR and NMR spectroscopy. He is the recipient of several awards including the G.I.C.O. Senior Award, the Arthur D. Little Award, the Seaborg Memorial Lecture and the National award "Federchimica".