
Brand Atlas: Branding Intelligence Made Visible

ISBN: 978-0-470-43342-3

March 2011

144 pages

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Are you a big-picture person? Just want a quick overview of the most critical and relevant brand topics? If you answered yes, Brand Atlas is for you.

More than fifty brand topics are defined. Each one with a call to action and insightful quotes from thought leaders and brand visionaries. Compelling diagrams illuminate concepts, processes, and tools.

Alina Wheeler's first bestselling book, Designing Brand Identity, was a road map to implementation of the entire branding process, from research through launch. Alina Wheeler and Joel Katz created Brand Atlas for a new generation of time-crunched brand builders who need immediate, clear and actionable ideas.

Praise for Designing Brand Identity, an essential guide for the whole branding team, by Alina Wheeler:

"Writers have The Elements of Style. Managers have The Effective Executive. Chairpeople have Robert's Rules of Order. And now brand builders have Designing Brand Identity."
Marty Neumeier, Director of Transformation, Liquid Agency, author of The Designful Company

"Designing Brand Identity is the most comprehensive, easy to understand resource for the whole branding team, advising on all aspects of implementation and best practices."
Dan Calista, Founder and CEO, Vynamic

"The absolute best, most comprehensive, most successful, and most effective book to use as a reference when creating a brand and brand identity."
San Francisco Book Review (January 25, 2010)

About the Author
Alina Wheeler is a branding consultant and author of Designing Brand Identity (Wiley), the bestselling global resource for businesses and nonprofits. Her business is managing perception; her service is strategic imagination and her passion is brand. She was advisory council member for The Dictionary of Brand, edited by Marty Neumeier, along with Seth Godin, Al Ries, and Tom Kelley.

Joel Katz is an information designer and a global authority on the visualization of complex information. He lectures internationally and is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome (2003). A graduate of Yale College and the Yale School of Art in graphic design, he teaches information design at The University of the Arts and Philadelphia University.