The vast progress made in the investigation of biomolecules using NMR has only recently been rewarded with the Nobel Prize for Kurt Wuthrich. Editied by a former coworker of Wuthrich, this book presents the theoretical background on NMR of biomolecules, plus the use of NMR techniques in determining the structures of proteins and nucleic acids.

BioNMR spectroscopy offers a universal tool for examining the binding of an active substance to its target protein. Its use thereby benefits the rational development of drugs. This interaction can now be investigated in a hitherto unparalleled precision and displayed in 3D-an important prerequisite for the targeted development of new active substances, The latest methods for characterizing substance-receptor complexes are demonstrated backed by many case studies from pharmaceutical reseach. Thus it comes as no surprise that a large number of the authors are working for leading pharmaceutical companies.

With its successful mixture of basic information and application strategies, coupled with many real-life examples, this is an invaluable guide for both NMR spectroscopists and pharmaceutical researchers.

About the Author

Oliver Zerbe was born in 1963 and studied chemistry at the University of Hamburg, Germany, and in Southampton, UK. He received his Ph.D. in 1994 in organic chemistry from the University in Zurich under the supervision of Wolfgang von Philips born in the field of NMR methodology as applied to peptides.

From 1994 to 1995 he we was a postdoc with Kurt Wüthrich at the Federal Technical University of Switzerland (ETH) working on the design of pulse sequences for isotopic ally labeled proteins. He received his habilitation in medicinal chemistry from the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH Zurich, in 2004 under the guidance of Gerd Folkers. Oliver Zerbe is presently head of the NMR facilities and lecturer of the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the University of Zurich where he became a Privatdozent in 2005 and Titular professor in 2008.