
Analysis of Variance for Sensory Data

ISBN: 978-0-471-96750-7

February 1997

116 pages

The field of sensory science, the perception science of the food industry, increasingly requires a working knowledge of statistics for the evaluation of data. However, most sensory scientists are not also expert statisticians. This highly readable book presents complex statistical tools such as Anova in a way that is easily understood by the practising sensory scientist. In Analysis of Variance for sensory Data, written jointly by statisticians and food scientists, the reader is taken by the hand and guided through tests such as Anova. Using real examples from the food industry, practical implications are stressed rather than the theoretical background. The result of this is that the reader will be able to apply advanced Anova teqhniques to a variety of problems and learn how to interpret the results. The book is intended as a workbook for all students of sensory analysis who would gain from a knowledge of statistical techniques.
About the Author
About the Authors Per Lea and Tormod Næs are both Research Scientists in Statistics at Matforsk, the Norwegian Food Research Institute; Marit Rødbotten is Senior Sensory Analyst at Matforsk.