
Quinone Methides

ISBN: 978-0-470-19224-5

April 2009

456 pages

Quinone methides have cationic and anionic centers, providing an advantageous ability to react with both nucleophiles and electrophiles. These reactive intermediates are of particular interest and have found wide applications in organic synthesis. Featuring contributions from world-renowned leaders in the field, Reactive Intermediates in Chemistry and Biology covers a broad range of topics, including theoretical treatment, generation and detection of the intermediates, characterization, and applications in chemistry and biochemistry (including biological reactivity) that will appeal to graduate students and researchers in the field.
About the Author

STEVEN E. ROKITA, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland. His research interests lie in sequence and conformation specific reactions of nucleic acids, enzyme-mediated activation of substrates and coenzymes, halogenation and dehalogenation reactions in biology, aromatic substitution and quinone methide generation in bioorganic chemistry, copper- and nickel-mediated reactions in bioinorganic chemistry, and electron transfer in biopolymers. Dr. Rokita has more than eighty publications and twelve patents on file to his credit.