
Protein and Peptide Folding, Misfolding, and Non-Folding

ISBN: 978-0-470-59169-7

March 2012

576 pages

This book provides an overview on what researchers have learned about unfolded peptides and how this knowledge facilitates the understanding of (a) the folding process, (b) the binding of ligands to receptor molecules, and (c) peptide self-aggregation. In this context, different experimental, theoretical, and computational concepts and approaches are introduced. This book can become a very useful addition for graduate-level courses on protein folding for the education of undergraduate and graduate students in research groups, which are exploring peptide self-aggregation for biomedical and biotechnological purposes.
About the Author

Reinhard Schweitzer-Stenner, PhD, is Professor and currently the Head of the Chemistry Department at Drexel University. Dr. Schweitzer-Stenner also heads the biospectroscopy research group. His research investigates peptide structure and functionally relevant heme distortions as well as ligand-receptor binding on the surface of mast cells. With more than 150 published research articles, Dr. Schweitzer-Stenner is widely recognized as a leader and pioneer in the study of the conformational properties of unfolded peptides.