
Oxidation of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins: Kinetics and Mechanism

ISBN: 978-1-118-48246-9

December 2012

420 pages

This book summarizes the chemical mechanisms and detailed kinetics of amino acid and peptide oxidation to help understand how proteins break down or dissociate when under stress in biological and environmental systems so that new drugs and antioxidants may be developed. It provides a summary of fundamental information on the kinetics and mechanism of amino acids by various oxidants. It also discusses oxidative chemistry of amino acids, peptides, and proteins. This useful guide also provides problems and their solutions associated with amino acids, peptides, and proteins in the aquatic environment.
About the Author

Virender K. Sharma is Professor of Chemistry as well as Director of the Center of Ferrate Excellence at Florida Institute of Technology. Dr. Sharma has organized several symposia, including “Nanotechnology and the Environment: Green Technology” at the 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting in 2012. He is also coauthor of Mossbauer Spectroscopy: Application in Chemistry, Biology, Industry and Nanotechnology (Wiley).