
Mistreatment in the Workplace: Prevention and Resolution for Managers and Organizations

ISBN: 978-1-444-31081-8

April 2009


224 pages

Integrating findings from research and practice in order to make practical, evidence-based recommendations for preventing and addressing systemic workplace mistreatment, this book:
  • Focuses on the recursive effects of mistreatment in organizations and how individual and organizational well-being can be enhanced by carefully-designed policies and procedures.
  • Creates a complete picture by bringing together relevant research from fragmented fields such as organizational psychology, labor relations and labor economics.
  • Enables you to identify best practices for resolving mistreatment occurrences, for creating a civil workforce, and preventing recursive mistreatment.
About the Author
Julie B. Olson-Buchanan is a Professor and Department Chair in the Department of Management in the Craig School of Business, California State University, Fresno. Her research on mistreatment in the workplace has appeared in such journals as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Academy of Management Review, and Academy of Management Journal. Dr Olson-Buchanan has provided consultation and training on preventing and resolving mistreatment in the workplace to several private and public organizations.

Wendy R. Boswell is an Associate Professor and Mays Research Fellow in the Department of Management, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. Dr Boswell's research on workplace conflict has appeared in such journals as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Journal of Applied Psychology. She also serves as the Director of the Center for Human Resource Management, working with companies on issues related to employee work attitudes, recruitment, and retention.

  • Integrates findings from research and practice to identify practical, evidence-based recommendations for preventing and fully addressing systemic workplace mistreatment
  • Focuses on the recursive effects of mistreatment in organizations and how individual and organizational well-being can be enhanced by carefully-designed policies and procedures
  • Creates a complete picture by bringing together relevant research from fragmented fields such as organizational psychology, labour relations and labour economics
  • Enables readers to identify best practices for resolving mistreatment occurrences, and for creating a civil workforce and preventing recursive mistreatment