
Intelligence Unbound: The Future of Uploaded and Machine Minds

ISBN: 978-1-118-73628-9

July 2014


344 pages


Intelligence Unbound explores the prospects, promises, and potential dangers of machine intelligence and uploaded minds in a collection of state-of-the-art essays from internationally recognized philosophers, AI researchers, science fiction authors, and theorists.

  • Compelling and intellectually sophisticated exploration of the latest thinking on Artificial Intelligence and machine minds
  • Features contributions from an international cast of philosophers, Artificial Intelligence researchers, science fiction authors, and more
  • Offers current, diverse perspectives on machine intelligence and uploaded minds, emerging topics of tremendous interest
  • Illuminates the nature and ethics of tomorrow’s machine minds—and of the convergence of humans and machines—to consider the pros and cons of a variety of intriguing possibilities
  • Considers classic philosophical puzzles as well as the latest topics debated by scholars
  • Covers a wide range of viewpoints and arguments regarding the prospects of uploading and machine intelligence, including proponents and skeptics, pros and cons
About the Author

Russell Blackford is an Australian philosopher, literary critic, and author, based at the University of Newcastle, NSW. He is editor-in-chief of The Journal of Evolution and Technology, and his books include Freedom of Religion and the Secular State (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014).

Damien Broderick is an award-winning Australian science and fiction writer, editor and critical theorist. He has written or edited some 60 books, including The Spike (revised, ed. 2002), the first full-length treatment of the technological Singularity, and Year Million (ed. 2008), about the deep future.