
Fisher Investments on Energy

ISBN: 978-0-470-47873-8

January 2009

272 pages

The first offering from the Fisher Investments On investing series is a comprehensive guide to the Energy sector. The book can benefit both new and seasoned investors, covering everything from Energy sector basics to specific industry insights to practical investing tactics, including common pitfalls to avoid. Azelton and Teufel demonstrate a method for uncovering performance and risk-management opportunities—and show the readers how they can do it, too. Filled with detailed graphs and tables, unique insight, and practical advice, Fisher Investments on Energy can provide readers with a solid foundation in this sector.

For more information visit www.energy.fisherinvestments.com

About the Author
Aaron M. Azelton (San Francisco, California) is an equity research analyst covering the Energy sector at Fisher Investments. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a B.A. in Economics. He has been with Fisher Investments since 2002. Aaron grew up in Santa Monica, California, and is currently living in San Francisco.

Andrew S. Teufel (San Francisco, California) has been a member of Fisher Investments research staff since 1995 and is currently Co-President and Director of Research. Prior to joining the firm, he worked at Bear Stearns as a corporate finance analyst. He is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, and has lectured at the Haas School of Business on topics in investment management. Andrew has conducted hundreds of investment seminars and educational workshops throughout the US and the United Kingdom. He also serves as Editor-in-Chief of MarketMinder.com.

Divided into three comprehensive parts—Getting Started, Energy Details, and Thinking Like a Portfolio Manager—Fisher Investments on Energy:
  • Discusses Energy's drivers, including all the supply and demand components of its main drivers—oil and natural gas prices

  • Takes you through the seven sub-industries within the global Energy sector and reveals how they operate

  • Addresses the challenges of today's Energy sector, including peak oil and alternative energy

  • Delves into top-down investment methodology as well as individual security analysis

  • Outlines a five-step process to help differentiate firms in this field—designed to help you identify ones with the greatest probability of outperforming

  • Provides investment strategies for a variety of market environments