
Debating Organization: Point-Counterpoint in Organization Studies

ISBN: 978-0-631-21692-6

March 2003


424 pages

This volume introduces readers to the central debates of organization studies through a series of 'point' and 'counterpoint' debates by major figures in the field.

  • Introduces readers to the central tensions and debates of organization studies.
  • Celebrates the productive heterogeneity of the field by placing competing perspectives side by side.
  • Includes contributions from major figures in the field.
  • Structured in an innovative 'point' and 'counterpoint' format.
About the Author
Robert Westwood is Reader/Associate Professor at the University of Queensland Business School. He is the co-editor of The Language of Organization (2001), Hong Kong Management and Labour: Continuity and Change (1999) and the editor of Organizational Behaviour: Southeast Asian Perspectives (1992). Westwood is also an associate editor of the journal Culture and Organisation and on the editorial board of Organization Studies.

Stewart Clegg is Professor of Management at the University of Technology, Sydney. He is the author or editor of many books, including Frameworks of Power (1989), Modern Organizations (1990) and the Handbook of Organization Studies (1996), which won the George R. Terry Book Award of the American Academy of Management for 'most outstanding contribution to management knowledge' in 1997.


  • Introduces readers to the central tensions and debates of organization studies.
  • Celebrates the productive heterogeneity of the field by placing competing perspectives side by side.
  • Includes contributions from major figures in the field.
  • Structured in an innovative 'point' and 'counterpoint' format.