
Ceramic Matrix Composites: Fiber Reinforced Ceramics and their Applications

ISBN: 978-3-527-62241-2

June 2008

440 pages

Covering an important material class for modern applications in the aerospace, automotive, energy production and creation sectors, this handbook and reference contains comprehensive data tables and field reports on successfully developed prototypes. The editor and authors are internationally renowned experts from NASA, EADS, DLR, Porsche, MT Aerospace, as well as universities and institutions in the USA, Europe and Japan, and they provide here a comprehensive overview of current R & D with an application-oriented emphasis.
About the Author
Walter Krenkel holds the Chair of Ceramic Materials at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, where he also heads the Ceramic Composites Group at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. He gained his PhD in aeronautics and aerospace from the University of Stuttgart, and was formerly Head of Ceramic Composite Structures and of the Center of Excellence Lightweight CMC Structures at the German Aerospace Center. He is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, and serves on the scientific and advisory boards of many international conferences, workshops and technology exchange forums worldwide.
Professor Krenkel`s research focuses on the development
and qualification of CMCs and other novel ceramics.