
XML Weekend Crash Course

ISBN: 978-0-764-54759-1

September 2001

384 pages

XML Weekend Crash Course covers the ins and outs of XML in 30 sessions. Each session is designed to take 30 minutes to complete, so the Crash Course is an intense 15-hour learning period. You can complete the Crash Course over a single weekend -- but you can also easily adapt the Crash Course sessions to whatever schedule best suits your needs.
About the Author
About the Authors Kay Ethier is manager of new business with Bright Path Solutions of Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Kay is an accomplished writer and regular contributor to IT: Information Technology for Professionals, for which she writes on a variety of technology topics. She instructs technical courses on such topics as FrameMaker, FrameMaker+SGML, XML, HTML, and Adobe Acrobat. In addition to teaching, Kay works with clients on paper and electronic publishing projects, manages internal corporate publishing projects, and lectures at national seminars and conferences. Alan Houser is co-founder and principal partner of Group Wellesley, a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-based company that provides technical documentation and information management services to technology-based companies and organizations. Having more than 12 years of experience in the software industry, Alan enjoys developing solutions to support information management and information re-use, and he has designed enterprise-wide processes for writing, maintaining, and publishing technical documentation. He has presented on publishing solutions, including XML and SGML, at local and national conferences, and he provides classroom training to corporate audiences in XML and FrameMaker+SGML.