
Wittgenstein's Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments

ISBN: 978-0-470-77725-1

April 2008


152 pages

Wittgenstein’s Beetle and Other Classic Thought Experiments invites readers to participate actively in discovering the surprisingly powerful and fruitful tradition of "thought experiments."

  • Gives a lively presentation of an "A to Z" of 26 fascinating and influential thought experiments from philosophy and science
  • Presents vivid and often humorous discussion of the experiments, including strengths and weaknesses, historical context, and contemporary uses
  • Provides a "how to" section for engaging in thought experiments
  • Includes illustrations, mini-biographies, and suggestions for further reading.
About the Author
Martin Cohen is a teacher and writer specializing in philosophy, ethics and education, with a special interest in computing. His books include 101 Philosophy Problems (2nd edn., 2001), Political Philosophy (2001) and 101 Ethical Dilemmas (2003). He has been editor of The Philosopher since 1995.

  • A lively "A to Z" of 26 fascinating and influential thought experiments from philosophy and science
  • Presents vivid and often humorous discussion of the experiments, including strengths and weaknesses, historical context, and contemporary uses
  • Provides a "how to" section for engaging in thought experiments
  • Includes illustrations, mini-biographies, and suggestions for further reading.