
Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Science

ISBN: 978-0-470-01826-2

June 2009


3104 pages


The Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences provides a comprehensive, definitive, and up to date reference of the main areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skills used by those involved in all aspects of the forensic process, including, but not limited to forensic scientists, doctors, practicing and academic lawyers, para-legals, police, crime scene investigators, analytical chemists, toxicologists, etc.

The Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences covers all areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skill which, either as part of an established forensic discipline or as a potentially useful emerging discipline, are of interest to those involved in the forensic process. This includes both the scientific methodology and the admissibility of evidence. The encyclopedia also includes case studies of landmark cases in the definition and practice of forensic science.

The Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences presents all material on a level and in a style that makes it accessible to a wide range of readers. Lawyers will be able to understand the science behind scientific evidence, scientists will understand the legal aspects, physical scientists will have access to biological and social sciences aspects and vice versa.

About the Author

Allan Jamieson, The Forensic Institute, Glasgow, UK

Andre A. Moenssens, Douglas Stripp Professor of Law Emeritus, UMKC; Forensic Consultant, USA


Professor Andre Moenssens, Douglas Stripp Professor of Law Emeritus, UMKC; Forensic Consultant, USA 

Professor Pekka Saukko, Dept of Forensic Medicine, University of Turku, Finland

Biological Sciences
Allan Jamieson, Director, The Forensic Institute, Glasgow, UK

DNA and the Analysis of Biological Fluids
Allan Jamieson, Director, The Forensic Institute, UK

Statistics and Evidence Evaluation
Dr Christophe Champod, Ecole  des Sciences Criminelles, Institut de Police Scientifique, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

Dr Tacha Hicks, Institut de Police Scientifique, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland

Trace Evidence
Dr Sheila Willis, Director, Forensic Science Laboratory, Garda HQ, Dublin, Ireland

Fire and Explosives
Mr John Lentini, Scientific Fire Analysis, USA

Behavioral Sciences
Dr Carl N Edwards, Attorney, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist, Policy Analyst

Prof. Claude Roux, Univeristy of Technology, Sydney Centre for Forensic Science, Australia

Investigation and Law Enforcement
Allan M Scott, UK

Toxicology and Drug Analysis
Prof. Olaf H Drummer, Head (Forensic & Scientific Services), Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine; Adjunct Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Monash University, Victoria, Australia

Digital Evidence, Multimedia and Engineering
Dr Zeno Geradts, Netherlands Forensic Institute; Ministry of Justice, The Netherlands