
Visualizing Earth Science

ISBN: 978-0-471-74705-5

January 2009

608 pages

Visualizing Earth Science relies heavily on rich visuals to expand on concepts for students and solidify their understanding of them. This accessible format, coupled with the assumption that students have little knowledge of earth science, allows students to navigate through the material with greater ease – the goal being to help them understand the world around them and interpret what they see in a meaningful, accurate and exciting way.

Authors Zeeya Merali and Brian Skinner focus on visual learning in their debut of their first edition, Visualizing Earth Science. This text weaves illustrated timelines throughout to exemplify how concepts fit together and develop over time. Students will quickly learn difficult concepts with this innovative, visual approach.

Looking for a more cost-effective way to purchase this text? Check out www.wiley.com/college.wileyflex to learn more!

About the Author
Dr. Brian J. Skinner is a Eugene Higgins Prof Geology at Yale University.  His research intrests include the origin and distribution of mineral deposits.
Learning Objectives at the beginning of each section head indicate in behavioral terms what the student must be able to do to demonstrate mastery of the material in the chapter.