
Trading for Keeps: Making Money with Low Risk Option Trades

ISBN: 978-1-592-80360-6

February 2009


Run Time: 90 minutes. In this engaging DVD, Bill Kraft, author of Trade Your Way to Wealth, will discuss his own path to success, showing you how he has used low risk, measured risk, and even zero risk trades to achieve big profits.

Fluctuating between stories and set-ups, Bill will discuss what he considers to be the basic and essential principles of trading including critical concepts of risk awareness and aversion, money management, and exit strategies. Through the use of current examples, you'll see how he creates limited risk, and even no risk trades, to protect capital while putting himself in a position to enjoy significant profits.

Some of the specific concepts you will learn:

  • trend line use,
  • the principles of disciplined trading,
  • how to let profits run,
  • the use of collars and protective puts for your portfolio,
  • and how to effectively use stop losses.

Let Bill teach you the tricks of the trade so that you re just not making money, you re managing it like a true professional.

About the Author
Bill Kraft practiced law for more than 30 years before embarking on a second career as a trader. Bill is editor of three online newsletters: Under $10 Trader, Option Trader, and Trend Trader, which are published by MarketFN.com, and a weekly newsletter alert, which is sent to about 75,000 people. He is also the author of the current best-selling book, Trade Your Way to Wealth: Earn Big Profits with No-Risk, Low-Risk, and Measured-Risk Strategies.