
The Freedom Years: Tactical Tips for the Trailblazer Generation

ISBN: 978-1-841-12754-5

July 2006


350 pages

So you’re approaching retirement – what’s next?

As an over-sixty today you are likely to be very much healthier than previous generations of retirees and you’re close to outnumbering the younger age group. So why should they have all the fun? The grey pound is particularly strong, and the so-called Third Age, holds the largest proportion of the country’s disposable income. Long-term, empty-nesters have more money and leisure time than ever so cannot be ignored, but finding the smoothest way to cross the chasm from work to retirement and make the most of the huge variety of opportunities open to you requires forethought, planning, a sense of humour and a copy of this book.

The Freedom Years is an up-beat and humorous look at some of the challenges and opportunities presented as you move from work to retirement. Most people don’t give much thought to how they’ll adjust and don’t have a clue what’s going to hit them, but this witty and inspirational guide is all you need to convince you that the best is yet to come.

'At last...a book that exposes the myths if ageing.  About time too!' John Humphrys

'It's not three score years and ten anymore; it's four score years and ten - Michael Shea has great plans for you for thoe extra twenty years.' Sir David Frost

'We may slow down a bit as we age, but this book demonstrates how we can all keep on winning.' Sir Jackie Stewart OBE

About the Author
Michael Shea holds a PhD in economics. A former diplomat who was seconded to the UK Cabinet Office, he served in Africa, Germany, Romania and New York before becoming Press Secretary to Her Majesty the Queen. He has chaired many public sector organisations and commercial companies, and still sits on numerous boards. All of which has formed an admirable preparation for his active non-retirement, which he also spends as a writer of novels and non-fiction, as a consultant, and as a popular public speaker.