
The Dentist's Drug and Prescription Guide

ISBN: 978-1-118-39277-5

August 2012


256 pages

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A Critical Resource with Information You Won't Find Anywhere Else.

Dentists of all specialties prescribe drugs for their patients, from pain medications to sedatives to antibiotics, and know all too well that making an evidenced-based decision on which drug to prescribe is more than just looking up a drug on the computer or PDA and requires more comprehensive consideration than the current drug reference books offer.

For example, should an antibiotic be prescribed for implant placement or for sinus augmentation procedures? If so, what antibiotic is recommended (backed up with references), when should it be started, and for how long? Which is the antibiotic of choice for an odontogenic infection and how do you know if that antibiotic is working?

Improve Your Decision Making with this Essential Guide.

The Dentist’s Drug and Prescription Guide
is the only book to offer comprehensive coverage of this topic and has quickly become the go-to reference for dental students, general dentists, periodontists, oral surgeons, dental hygienists.

Written for dental professionals seeking quick advice on prescribing medications for their patients, the book offers:

  • An easy-to-read question-and-answer format, the text describes evidenced-based pharmacologic therapy with current and up-to-date references regarding adjunctive pharmacologic treatment of the dental patient
  • Easy-to-follow drug tables that summarize the main pharmacologic features of the different disciplines, including periodontics, implantology, oral surgery, and endodontics, with recommendations for pharmacologic treatment with periodontal and implant surgery as well as treatment of periodontal diseases, dental pain, and infection
  • Detailed strategies to manage and prevent drug interactions in the dental practice
  • Instructions and guidelines for the patient on how to take the drugs (e.g., to avoid GI upset when taking antibiotics acidophilus or yogurt can be taken).
  • Plus, sample prescriptions, coverage of proper documentation in the patient's chart, and more!

Order your copy today!

About the Author

Mea Weinberg, DMD, MSD, RPh, is a practicing periodontist and licensed pharmacist, giving her a unique position in the fields of dentistry and pharmacology. She is a clinical associate professor of Periodontology and Implantology at New York University.

Stuart J. Froum, DDS is a Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology, Clinical Professor and Director of Clinical Research at the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University Krieser Dental Center. He maintains a Private Practice limited to Periodontics and Implant Dentistry in New York City.  He has lectured nationally and internationally, has authored over 100 published research articles, and authored and contributed to five books related to periodontics and implant dentistry. He is the editor of the book “Dental Implant Complications: Etiology, Prevention and Treatment”. Dr. Froum is President Elect of the American Academy of Periodontology.

  • Easy-to-follow drug tables summarize the main pharmacologic features of the different disciplines but also allow the reader to review the key drugs and theories at a quick glance
  • Article references as guidelines to follow in decision-making
  • Sample prescriptions
  • Instructions and guidelines for the patient on how to take the drugs
  • Extensive easy to follow tables on drug interactions in the dental practice including management prevention of these interactions
  • Oral manifestations of drug reactions and manage strategies
  • Guidelines for prescribing for pregnant, pediatric, and medically compromised patients