
Testing Computer Software, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-0-471-35846-6

April 1999

496 pages

This book will teach you how to test computer software under real-world conditions. The authors have all been test managers and software development managers at well-known Silicon Valley software companies. Successful consumer software companies have learned how to produce high-quality products under tight time and budget constraints. The book explains the testing side of that success.

Who this book is for:
* Testers and Test Managers
* Project Managers-Understand the timeline, depth of investigation, and quality of communication to hold testers accountable for.
* Programmers-Gain insight into the sources of errors in your code, understand what tests your work will have to pass, and why testers do the things they do.
* Students-Train for an entry-level position in software development.

What you will learn:
* How to find important bugs quickly
* How to describe software errors clearly
* How to create a testing plan with a minimum of paperwork
* How to design and use a bug-tracking system
* Where testing fits in the product development process
* How to test products that will be translated into other languages
* How to test for compatibility with devices, such as printers
* What laws apply to software quality
About the Author
CEM KANER consults on technical and software development management issues and teaches about software testing at local universities and at several software companies. He also practices law, usually representing individual developers, small development services companies, and customers. He founded and hosts the Los Altos Workshops on Software Testing. Kaner is the senior author of Bad Software: What to Do When Software Fails (Wiley).

JACK FALK consults on software quality management and software engineering management. Jack is certified in Software Quality Engineering by the American Society of Quality. He is Vice Chair of the Santa Clara Valley Software Quality Association and an active participant in the Los Altos Workshops on Software Testing.

HUNG Q. NGUYEN is Founder, President, and CEO of softGear technology. He has worked in the computer software and hardware industries, holding management positions in engineering, quality assurance, testing, product development, and information technology, as well as making significant contributions as a tester and programmer. He is an ASQ-Certified Quality Engineer, and a senior member and San Francisco Section Certification Chairman of the American Society for Quality.