Show your team how to chart its own course, evaluate its progress,and self-correct.
Many books talk about teamwork, but few address the actual processof creating and managing effective teams. You'll learn to approachteamwork as a journey with a beginning, middle, and satisfying And.Find out how to construct a blueprint to carry your teamalong.
Discover the two factors essential for well functioning teams:getting work done and building and maintaining the spirit andmomentum of the team.
Frequently teams are built and challenged to work as a unit, butthe team members aren't clear about what steps to take and when totake them. Keep your team from becoming confused, frustrated andultimately giving up. Develop step-by-step proceedures to get workdone!
You'll learn these ten steps:
* Focusing the team * Assigning roles * Establishing guidelines * Planning the work * Doing the work * Reviewing team performance * Completing the work * Publishing the results * Rewarding the team * Moving on
Create teams that work together to increase productivity, improvequality, and achieve high levels of customer satisfaction.
About the Author
FRAN REES is the owner of Rees & Associates, a training andconsulting firm. An experienced manager and seminar leader, she hasalso served extensively as a consultant to companies such asDigital Equipment Corporation and Motorola, Inc. Rees hassuccessfully designed and implemented a number of trainingprograms, workshops, and organizational interventions. She hasconducted training on a wide variety of topics, includingmeeting-facilitation skills, multicultural awareness, consultingskills, and supervision and management. In her work with companies,she has designed and facilitated strategic-planning sessions, ledfocus-group and team-building sessions, and has trained trainers.She lives in Chandler, Arizona.