
Team Effectiveness and Decision Making in Organizations

ISBN: 978-1-555-42641-5

March 1995


443 pages

The seventh book in the Frontiers of Industrial and OrganizationalPsychology Series, sponsored by the Society for Industrial andOrganizational Psychology, a division of the American PsychologicalAssociation.

Get the latest perspective on teams from leading professionals inmanagement and social, industrial, and organization psychology.You'll get the latest research perspective on teams and theirnature, function, effectiveness, decision-making process, and theirability to change the face of organizational life.

This research-based resource:

* Explores the ins and outs of staffing teams, emphasizing thenecessity for the right mix of skills, talents, job functions, andpersonalities
* Examines diversity and its effect on the group process
* Provides the latest findings on accurate measurement of teamperformance
* Shows the results of using information technology to help teamsget work done and reshape the way individuals work together

Plus, you'll get tested models and methods for improving teameffectiveness in any organizational context. Use it as a handbookon team dynamics and as a guide to a better understanding of theeffect of teams on organizational design.
About the Author
RICHARD A. GUZZO is professor of psychology and managementat the University of Maryland and has served on the faculties ofMcGill University and New York University. His research concernsthe productivity and effectiveness of individuals and teams atwork.

EDUARDO SALAS is senior research psychologist in theHuman Systems Integration Division of the Naval Air Warfare Center.He has coauthored over fifty journal articles and book chapters andhas coedited four books.