Mr Madhusanka Liyanage, University of Oulu, Finland
Madhusanka Liyanage received the B.Sc. degree in electronics and telecommunication engineering from the University of Moratuwa, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, in 2009, the M.Eng. degree from the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, in 2011 and the M.Sc. degree from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France in 2011.
Professor Andrei Gurtov, Aalto University, Finland
Andrei Gurtov received his M.Sc (2000) and Ph.D. (2004) degrees in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki, Finland. He is presently a visiting scholar at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley. He was a Professor at University of Oulu in the area of Wireless Internet in 2010-12. He is also a Principal Scientist leading the Networking Research group at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT.
Professor?Mika Ylianttila, University of Oulu, Finland
Mika Ylianttila received his Doctoral Degree on Communications Engineering at the University of Oulu in 2005. He has worked as a researcher and professor at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering. He is the director of the Center for Internet Excellence (CIE) research and innovation unit. He is also docent at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.