
Social Movements in Health

ISBN: 978-1-405-12449-2

April 2005


208 pages

This book represents the first collection of research on health social movements.
  • Demonstrates that health social movements are an innovative and powerful form of political action.
  • Brings together the study of health and illness with social movement theory in order to establish a basis for the study of health social movements.
  • Covers disease-based movements focused on diseases such as Alzheimer’s and breast cancer.
  • Also addresses issue-based movements such as the pro-choice movement, the movement for complementary and alternative medicine, and movements around stem cell research.
  • Illustrates the value of interdisciplinary approaches to studying health social movements.
About the Author
Phil Brown is Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at Brown University. He is the author of No Safe Place: Toxic Waste, Leukemia, and Community Action (1990) and co-editor of Illness and the Environment: A Reader in Contested Medicine (2000).

Stephen Zavestoski is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of San Francisco. His work has appeared in journals such as Science, Technology and Human Values, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Sociology of Health and Illness, Social Science Computer Review, and Organization and Environment.


  • The first collection of research on health social movements.

  • Demonstrates that health social movements are an innovative and powerful form of political action.

  • Brings together the study of health and illness with social movement theory in order to establish a basis for the study of health social movements.

  • Covers disease-based movements focused on diseases such as Alzheimer’s and breast cancer.

  • Also addresses issue-based movements such as the pro-choice movement, the movement for complementary and alternative medicine, and movements around stem cell research.

  • Illustrates the value of interdisciplinary approaches to studying health social movements.