
Seamounts, Islands, and Atolls

ISBN: 978-1-118-66420-9

March 2013

American Geophysical Union

405 pages


Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 43.

This collection of twenty-six papers arose partly from a special session at the Fall 1985 AGU meeting and reflects the growing research interest in the many diverse aspects of submarine and island volcanoes in the deep sea. Consequently, this book contains research and review articles dealing with a variety of topics including seamount abundances, morphology, geophysical characteristics, sedimentology, geochemistry and dating as well as physical oceanography and biology. We have attempted to select papers for disciplinary balance and also to provide a mixture of research articles and review papers. We dedicate this book to H. W. Menard whose lifelong fascination with seamounts, islands and atolls provided great impetus to their study.

About the Author

Barbara H. Keating and Patricia Fryer are the authors of Seamounts, Islands, and Atolls, published by Wiley.