
Reviewing Research Evidence for Nursing Practice: Systematic Reviews

ISBN: 978-0-470-69141-0

April 2008


280 pages

Reviewing research evidence for nursing practice: systematic reviews highlights the key issues involved in conducting different types of systematic reviews - encompassing qualitative studies, quantitative studies and combining quantitative and qualitative studies. It enables nurses and researchers to understand the key principles involved in preparing systematic reviews and to critically appraise the reviews they read and evaluate their usefulness in developing their own practice.

Each section starts with an overview of the methodology, followed by a selection of systematic reviews carried out in specialist areas of nursing practice. Part 1 explores systematic reviews and meta-analysis of quantitative research, part 2 explores meta-synthesis and meta-study of qualitative research and part 3 addresses integrative reviews that combine both qualitative and quantitative evidence. The final part explores the use of systematic reviews in service and practice development.

About the Author
Christine Webb is Executive Editor, Journal of Advanced Nursing
Brenda Roe is Professor of Health Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University
● Uses examples of systematic reviews in specialist nursing practice
● Includes qualitative, quantitative and integrative reviews
● Addresses systematic reviews, meta-analysis, metasynthesis, and metastudy
● Explores the use of systematic reviews in practice development