
Practical Merchandising Math

ISBN: 978-0-471-14518-9

January 1996

320 pages

It's easier than you think to perform every retail math calculationquickly, accurately, and with confidence

Mathematics is an essential tool for determining every financialarrangement important to a retail business. Whether you're buyingmerchandise, figuring business expenses, pricing merchandise, orrecording transactions, a solid working knowledge of practicalcalculating procedures is indispensable. But don't worry, we're nottalking algebra, trigonometry, or calculus--just simple arithmeticyou can perform using a calculator.

Practical Merchandising Math helps you teach yourself all the mathyou need to succeed in the retail industry. You'll learn tocalculate markon, markup, and markdown; plan net sales, purchases,and stock turnover; and determine expenses and gross margin. You'llalso learn the meanings of important terms and discover how thefour retail areas where math is required--buying, selling,expenses, and record-keeping--are interrelated. This easy-to-useguide
* Covers all financial considerations relevant to costing andpricing merchandise
* Includes sample calculations with solutions
* Features handy, quick-reference charts for standard markonpercentages
* Presents material in short sections followed by self-checkpractice exercises

Don't let math phobia become a roadblock on your way to retailsuccess. Develop the skills you need, quickly and easily, with thehelp of Practical Merchandising Math.
About the Author
LEO GAFNEY is a former high school math teacher who has written math self-teaching guides and textbooks for business people, college students, and for secondary and elementary school programs. He was an editor and editorial director for math books at McGraw-Hill Book Company for 11 years, and was responsible for school mathematics, business math, and accounting texts.