
Practical Guide to RF-MEMS

ISBN: 978-3-527-67394-0

August 2013

372 pages


Closes the gap between hardcore-theoretical and purely experimental RF-MEMS books.

The book covers, from a practical viewpoint, the most critical steps that have to be taken in order to develop novel RF-MEMS device concepts. Prototypical RF-MEMS devices, both including lumped components and complex networks, are presented at the beginning of the book as reference examples, and these are then discussed from different perspectives with regard to design, simulation, packaging, testing, and post-fabrication modeling. Theoretical concepts are introduced when necessary to complement the practical hints given for all RF-MEMS development stages.

  • Provides researchers and engineers with invaluable practical hints on how to develop novel RF-MEMS device concepts
  • Covers all critical steps, dealing with design, simulation, optimization, characterization and fabrication of MEMS for radio-frequency applications
  • Addresses frequently disregarded issues, explicitly treating the hard to predict interplay between the three-dimensional device structure and its electromagnetic functionality
  • Bridges theory and experiment, fundamental concepts are introduced with the application in mind, and simulation results are validated against experimental results

Appeals to the practice-oriented R&D reader: design and simulation examples are based on widely known software packages such as ANSYS and the hardware description language Verilog.

About the Author
Jacopo Iannacci is Researcher in MEMS technology at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK in Trento, Italy, where he focuses on (compact) modeling, design, optimization, integration, packaging and testing for reliability of MEMS/RF-MEMS devices and networks for sensors/actuators, energy harvesting and telecommunication systems. He received the PhD in Information Technology from the ARCES Research Center of the University of Bologna, Italy, and worked as Visiting Researcher at the DIMES Technology Center of the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands, on development of packaging and integration solutions for RF-MEMS devices. Jacopo Iannacci authored and co-authored numerous scientifi c contributions for international journals and conference proceedings, as well as books and several book chapters in the fi eld of MEMS and RFMEMS technology.