
Optical Radiation Detectors

ISBN: 978-0-471-89797-2

October 1984

320 pages

Optical Radiation Detectors, Eustace L. Dereniak and Devon G.Crowe

Offers a comprehensive, integrated treatment of optical radiationdetectors, discussing their capabilities and limitations.Background material on radiometry, noise sources, and detectorphysics is introduced, followed by more detailed discussions ofphoton detectors, thermal detectors, and charge transfer arrays ofdetectors.

About the Author

EUSTACE L. DERENIAK, PhD, is Professor in the Optical SciencesCenter and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineeringof the University of Arizona. Before joining the university facultyin 1978, he spent many years in industrial research with Raytheon, Rockwell International, and Ball Brothers Research Corporation. Heis coauthor of Optical Radiation Detectors and author or coauthorof more than 100 refereed articles. He has served as visitingprofessor with the U.S. Army and Air Force, research associate withthe Air Force's Rome Air Development Center, and consultant to theUniversity of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy.

Devon G. Crowe is the author of Optical Radiation Detectors, published by Wiley.