
Nonprofit Financial Planning Made Easy

ISBN: 978-0-470-25921-4

February 2008

256 pages

Nonprofit Financial Planning Made Easy presents straightforward strategies to make financial management a more smooth and successful process. Filled with practical forms and checklists to aid you in planning and managing your organizations' financial resources, Nonprofit Financial Planning Made Easy equips your nonprofit with step-by-step solutions to the dilemmas involved in keeping financial resources and the mission in balance.
About the Author

JODY BLAZEK (Houston, TX) is a partner in Blazek & Vetterling, LLP, a Houston-based CPA firm providing tax compliance and auditing services to tax-exempt organizations and tax consulting services to other accountants and lawyers who serve nonprofits. The author worked with the 1023 Revision Task Force, is currently on the 990 Revision Task Force, and is past chair of the AICPA Exempt Organization Resource Panel. Jody serves on the Transparency and Financial Accountability Work Group of the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector of Independent Sector. She is a member of the Exempt Organization Tax Review and the AICPA Tax Adviser advisory boards. She is founding director of the Texas Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts and the Houston Artists Fund. Her focus on tax-exempts began in 1969 when, at KPMG, she advised private foundation clients about the significant changes in the tax rules. She gained nonprofit industry experience as the treasurer of the Menil Interests before returning to public practice in 1980 to form the firm she now serves.