
Measuring and Analyzing Behavior in Organizations: Advances in Measurement and Data Analysis

ISBN: 978-0-787-95301-0

November 2001


624 pages

Measuring and Analyzing Behavior in Organizations brings together the latest advances in measurement and data analysis, providing accessible, current discussions of measurement, applied statistics, research methods, and data analysis. The book details the range of problems that can be addressed with these new approaches, answering the more complex questions with sophisticated analyses that can extract more information from the data than simpler methods. The contributors provide workable solutions to many previously intractable problems, including those that require measuring change, studying person-environment fit, understanding the effects of error, and more.
About the Author
Fritz Drasgow is a professor of psychology and director of theCenter for Human Resources Management at the University ofIllinois. He is also the current chair of Scientific Affairs at theSociety for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Neal Schmitt is University Distinguished Professor of Psychologyand Management and chair of the psychology department at MichiganState University. He is the editor of SIOP's OrganizationalFrontiers series.