
Mass Spectra of Pesticides with Retention Indices, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 978-1-119-28404-8

July 2016


Reliable pesticide determination with expanded new edition

The Mass Spectra of Pesticides with Retention Indices, 2nd Edition contains 1,300 pesticide molecules sorted in 20 different classes. This 2nd edition features342 new pesticides compounds, 1,300 LRI values on a SLB-5ms column, and 147 LRI values on an EQUITY-1 column. The GC-MS-based pesticides library provides significant support for peak assignment in complex mixtures.

Mass spectra, relative to standard and well-known simple matrix components, were obtained and recorded through GC-qMS separation/identification by Prof. Luigi Mondello. Additional component information such as CAS number, common name, systematic name, nominal mass (as Mol Wt.), compound formula, chemical class, and Linear Retention Index are also included.

For more information, visit https://sciencesolutions.wiley.com/solutions/technique/gc-ms/pesticides-mass-spectral-library-with-lri-2nd-edition/

About the Author

Luigi Mondello is an expert in the field of multidimensional chromatography. He has published a number of books and papers in his field and has been an invited speaker at a number of conferences. He is Editor of the Journal of Separation Science. Recently he was awarded The Chromatographic Society's Silver Jubilee Medal award for his work in the field of chromatography and the COLACRO Medal for his contribution to the development and diffusion of the Chromatographic Techniques, and the HTC-Award for the most outstanding and innovative work in the field of hyphenated chromatographic techniques from the Flemish Chemical Society. He is currently Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the the University of Messina in Italy and permanent member of the scientific committee of the International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography; the International Symposium on Essential Oils; the International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Hyphenated Chromatographic Analyzers; the Brazilian Symposium on Chromatography and Related Techniques; and the Congresso Latino-Americano de Cromatografia en Tecnicas Relacionades.