
Magnetospheric Current Systems

ISBN: 978-1-118-66900-6

March 2013

American Geophysical Union

401 pages

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 118.

The magnetosphere is an open system that interacts with the solar wind. In this system, solar wind energy continuously permeates different regions of the magnetosphere through electromagnetic processes, which we can well describe in terms of current systems. In fact, our ability to use various methods to study magnetospheric current systems has recently prompted significant progress in our understanding of the phenomenon. Unprecedented coverage of satellite and ground?]based observations has advanced global approaches to magnetospheric current systems, whereas advanced measurements of electromagnetic fields and particles have brought new insights about micro?]processes. Increased computer capabilities have enabled us to simulate the dynamics not only of the terrestrial magnetosphere but also the magnetospheres of other planets. Based on such developments, the present volume revisits outstanding issues about magnetospheric current systems.
About the Author

Shin-ichi Ohtani is the editor of Magnetospheric Current Systems, published by Wiley.

Ryoichi Fujii is the editor of Magnetospheric Current Systems, published by Wiley.

Michael Hesse is the editor of Magnetospheric Current Systems, published by Wiley.

Robert L. Lysak is the editor of Magnetospheric Current Systems, published by Wiley.