
Information Architecture with XML: A Management Strategy

ISBN: 978-0-470-85771-7

October 2003

344 pages

One of the only books on this subject to focus on XML's value as a business tool rather than the technology.

This book deals with important management issues and focuses on demonstrating XML's value as a business tool. It emphasizes processes and business logic, and will show you how to go about introducing this technology and what must be done to achieve a smooth implementation.
* Offers a management driven approach to XML-based information systems architecture
* Discusses important related standards such as RDF, topic maps, and XML
* Schema
* Describes the building blocks of an XML-based architecture
* Provides a blueprint for an organizational model of the roles and responsibilities of those involved in setting up an XML-based architecture
* Presents a management framework and methodology for developing XML-based information systems
About the Author
PETER BROWN (formerly Peter Pappamikail) is Head of Information Resources Management in the European Parliament and an individual founding member of the 'Knowledge on the Web' consortium.  He represents the European Parliament on different data standards and e-Administration initiatives in the European Union and is a regular speaker and contributor on the use of XML in public administration.