
Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease

ISBN: 978-0-470-76651-4

April 2008


328 pages

Current heart failure therapeutics affects symptoms without appreciably reducing the mortality rate of 50% in five years -- suggesting a failure in treating the underlying mechanism. This book proposes a new mechanism for heart failure; immune mediated cardiac remodelling for cardiac dysfunction.

The outstanding editor team of two internationally recognized immunologists -- Ronald Watson, who has studied heart disease in immune dysfunction for a decade and has a patent for an immunotherapy of heart disease by immune regulation, and Douglas Larson, whose experience in cardiac transplantation immunology has provided the foundation for research into novel therapeutics for heart failure and hypertension – makes Immune Dysfunction and Immunotherapy in Heart Disease the definitive reference to the state of the science in this area.

The four parts of the book address:

  • Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Disease: Induction by Physiological Changes
  • Immune Dysfunction Promoting CVD: Induction by Transplantation Drugs
  • Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Dysfunction: Induction or Prevention by Cardiotherapeutic Drugs
  • Immune Dysfunction Leading to Heart Disease: Induction by Pathogens

Both researchers and practitioners will find this authoritative volume an excellent source of information on novel immune targeted therapeutics.

About the Author
Dr. Larson and Dr. Watson have worked together researching the role of immune and cytokine dysfunction in heart disease for 8 years. They have been and currently are funded to do such research by grants from the U.S. National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood, the American Heart Foundation, companies and private foundations. Dr. Watson has edited 62 scientific books, including several dealing with heart disease and conditions such as aging and AIDS that promote immune dysfunction as well as heart disease. Dr. Larson directs the Center’s organ perfusion program as well as its Master degree in pharmacology and toxicology for perfusion students.


Ronald Ross Watson Ph.D.

Professor Health Promotion Sciences, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and the Sarver Heart Center in the School of Medicine, University of Arizona, P. O. Box 245155, 1501 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85749.

(520) 626 2850, Fax (520) 626 6093 [email protected]


Douglas F. Larson Ph.D.

Professor Surgery and the Sarver Heart Center in the School of Medicine, University of Arizona, P. O. Box 245066, 1501 N. Campbell Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85749. (520) 626 6494 [email protected]

● The latest information on the theory of immune regulation of heart structure to cause or prevent heart failure
● Includes the roles of cytokine dysregulation and immune dysfunction in the promotion and stimulation of enzymes involved in cardiac remodelling
● Covers immune dysfunction associated with aging and AIDS, where immune altering agents and treatments should maintain optimal heart structure and function