
How to Teach Continuing Medical Education

ISBN: 978-1-444-31248-5

April 2009

BMJ Books

142 pages

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This new volume in the concise "How To" series explores the foundations and principles of continuing education of professionals and then relates these to the practice of teaching the various modalities used in CME. The areas covered include experiential learning, group dynamics, situated learning and reflective practice - and make these understandable for all health professionals tasked with teaching continuing medical education. An ideal introduction to teaching for clinical instructors.
About the Author
Dr Mike Davis

Consultant in Continuing Medical Education

Co-editor of "Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors" (2nd edition)

Lead educator for the Advanced Life Support Group

Dr Kirsty Forrest

FRCA, Consultant in Anaesthesia, The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Yorkshire, UK

The ideal introduction to teaching for clinical instructors

  • Written by a leading educator in health care
  • A new title in the popular BMJ ‘How To’ series
  • Explores basic issues related to the continuing education of professionals
  • A timely publication with increasing need for this skill among Foundation Programme supervisors