
Home Front: New Developments in Housing

ISBN: 978-0-470-84874-6

September 2003

128 pages

Practical, technical and topical, this new title from Architectural Design brings together contributions on all aspects of housing around the world: from design solutions to the focus on technical and cultural approaches to affordable innovation in housing design

Housing for the people. What opportunities exist? Who is breaking down the boundaries to create innovative housing stock? Attitudes towards mass housing are changing. Progressive techniques, materials and technologies are opening up new possibilities and new alliances are being hammered out between designers and house builders. Could this signal the onset of a new era of design-conscious mass housing?

With contributors writing from six distinct geographical areas - the UK, the East Coast of the US, the West Coast of the US, Sweden, Japan and Australia – this book provides a global picture of the kinds of solutions available.

About the Author

Lucy Bullivant is a critic, author and curator based in London, UK. She has curated exhibitions for the Architectural Association and the ICA in London, and writes for Architectural Design, Architectural Record, The Financial Times, Tate Magazine, Archis, Icon, Domus, Building Design, RIBAJournal, Metropolis, a-matter, Arch’it and Indesign.